Drama Ministry

To communicate  by  using  our  God­-given talents to express our emotional, physical, social and spiritual lives through the use of the performing arts.

The  purpose of our committee is to inspire creativity, confidence and motivate members  to use their God-given talents and abilities as a means of communication through the use of the performing  arts. To connect  with all persons  thru drama, comedy, dance, poetry, music, set designs, etc. Everyone is welcome; no talent is too small.

Drama Ministry Members:
Frankie S. Brown, Chairperson
Annie N. Fulton, Vice Chairperson
Debra Snipes, Secretary
Brenda Battle, Assistant Secretary
Diane Smart, Treasurer

6:00 PM Third (3rd) Thursday each of month.

Sixty (60) to ninety (90) days before performance is needed.

Major Events: 
Easter, Martin Luther King Day, Black History, Maafa, Christmas, and an original drama;
other performances as requested.