The mission of the Bereavement Ministry at Emmanuel Baptist Church is to be a resource to our Emmanuel Family in their time of grief. Our goal is ease the burden as much as possible during a family member’s loss.
The Bereavement Ministry:
- Notify secretary & church officials of the death
- Contact family members on behalf of EBC
- Inform other Ministries of family members needs (feeding family, etc.)
- Provide support and guidance to family
- Inform secretary offuneral arrangements to initiate ordering of flowers
- Send Bereavement Cards to congregation members in the event of a loss to an extended family member
- Prepare and read Member’s Church Resolution
- Refer to Howard Thurman Counseling Center as a resource to assist with grief
- Provide continued support to family after loss
In your time of need, you may contact Carolyn Burns (722-0674), Betty Brockman (788-1157) or Arm Loyd at the church office (788-7023).