Caregivers Ministry

The Purpose of this ministry is to provide emotional and spiritual support, temporary family relief if needed, and loving care to our sick and shut-in members. It is understood that EBC have the Committee  but this ministry has been established to help support and interface with all groups. This ministry is to do the will of God by working together and using our spiritual gifts in the church for exhortation and edification according to I Cor 12:4-7.

The Goal of this ministry is to provide a distinctively Christian
ministry for caring and relating to our church family members who are  shut-in, ill and widowed; as well as to families of the severely ill and church  members during  times of crisis. Our goal is to have one Caregiver member assigned to every person on our sick and shut-in list or members who are not indicated on the sick and shut-in list.

To reach out:
1) as a healing community, with the love of God in Christ and through the power of the Spirit of the Living God,
2) to our homebound, aged, sick, and terminally ill church   family members,
3) to our family members experiencing cnsts and offer distinctively Christian caregiving, and
4) to develop appropriate  skills and attitudes necessary to becoming effective Christian caregivers.

Biblical References
Caregivers Foundation
Isaiah 61:2  (Comfort those who mourn) Ez 34: 16  (Strengthen the sick)
Matt 5:14-16 (Light of the World)
Matt 22:37-40 (The Great commandment)
Gal 6:2  (Sympathy)
1 John  4:11   (Love)

Healing Scriptures
Matt 8:5-1 7 (Ministry of Healing)
Matt 11:28-30 (Invitation for the heavy laden)
Matt 15:29-31  (Christ the Great Healer)
Mark 5:25-34  (Woman with the issue of blood)
II Cor 1:3-5 (Comfort in Suffering) James 5:13-16  (Prayer for the sick)

Support Policy
The Caregivers ministry is a group of members who have a love for caring for the sick and shut-in members at EBC. As we strive to support the sick and their family members, we are not authorized to operate as a home care agency. The members  can only give  spiritual and loving care support. Therefore, the caregiver members are not allowed to administer medical or physical assistance to sick & shut-in members who may be hospitalized or bedridden.

Since we are not certified by the State Health Department, we recommend that each family member consult a caseworker to receive the proper medical  and  home care  assistance for their love ones in order to avoid liability issues. Please contact the following Home Care Agencies for more information:

Home Care Agencies
Home Health Professional of Forsyth

Davidson County Home Health

Davie County Home Health Agency

Family Assistance
The caregiver  members are willing to assist family members with minimum responsibilities. Since the majority of the caregiver  members have full-time jobs, their  volunteer services are based upon availability. Therefore, caregiver members can only commit to the following:

1. Caregivers will be allowed to sit with the sick & shut-in member or assist family members for a maximum of twice a week.
2. Caregivers will be allowed to relieve the family members for a maximum of two hours per week.
3. If the EBC sick member  requires more time than we can provide, the family members will be referred  to several agencies that may be able to help.

Monthly Meetings
You are invited to attend our monthly meetings. Refer to your Church bulletin for a date and time of each meeting. We welcome your ideas and input towards the growth of this ministry.

All interested members are required to attend a 1-day training session. A certificate will be administered to each member after completing the training session.

Angela Pearson, President


Rochelle L.Joyner